Rhythm & Hues Studio building at night (2013)

Final evening at Rhythm & Hues Studios. My office was on the fourth floor, near the corner. Oops, looks like I left the light on.

I’d like to thank everyone who expressed concern about my job when Rhythm & Hues declared bankruptcy last month. I had an exciting twelve year run with the company, created beautiful works of art, and learned a lot from many incredibly talented people there. I’m going to miss this place which has been more like a school to me than a business, and I will especially miss working with my dear friends.

On the bright side, I now have time to make sandwiches!

Sandwich that looks like a bear


Sandwich that looks like a bunny.


Sandwich that looks like Toullie


Sandwich that looks like a pony


Sandwich that looks like a doggie


Sandwich that looks like another doggie

Another Doggie!

Sandwich that looks like a fru fru doggie

Fru Fru Doggie!

Sandwich that looks like a I don't know

I don’t know!

Sandwich that looks like a tiger

Richard Parker!

Sandwich that looks like a cat

Sienna made this one!

Sandwich that looks like a snow leopard

Snow Leopard!

Sandwich that looks like a really happy doggie

Really Happy Doggie!

Sandwich that looks like a Moon Star Doggie

Moon Star Doggie!

A Satisfied Customer

A satisfied customer!

Picture of D.R. Greenlaw

D.R. Greenlaw

Greenlaw likes to make comics, animated shorts, and funny voices.

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