A Fox’s Story is a short film by Sienna Kai Greenlaw (age 9), with animation and original music by Sienna. The film is about a fox who is being bullied.

Yesterday Sienna’s film received a PTA Reflections Film Production Award Of Excellence. PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Students of all grades and abilities are invited to participate and explore the arts based on the 2016-2017 theme: ‘What Is Your Story?’

Sienna says, “I don’t like bullying, and I don’t think people should bully. I hope this movie will make people think about it and stand up against bullies. Please enjoy the movie.”

Sienna wins film awards (age 9)

Sienna’s entry will now move on to the district competition. (Update: Sienna’s film won the district level competition!)

Picture of Toullie


I'm the webmaster of littlegreendog.com. I play ukulele, and I am a cat.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Casey Morgan

    Great job Sienna, congratulations.

  2. Lisa Colorado

    Great job Sienna! I hope that it’s okay, but I have shown your film to a few friends that are animators. They were so impressed!!

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