Today I’m tracking the motion capture performances from earlier this week. So far the motions are looking very good. Some expected jitters in the raw data, but iPi Desktop Motion Capture has very good Jitter removal, which I’ll run before saving the final data.

I may have to redo a couple of performances. I overacted a bit in two segments because I didn’t believe the system could pick up on subtle motions. Boy was I wrong. iPi DMC faithfully captured my exaggerations with embarrassing accuracy.

Now I understand why a lot of motion capture performances can look so bad. In this case, less is definitely more.

Motion capture test in garage
Picture of D.R. Greenlaw

D.R. Greenlaw

Greenlaw likes to make comics, animated shorts, and funny voices.

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This Post Has 2 Comments


    I hope that you can upload the result of your tracking in youtube. It is very important for us to evaluate the performance of IPISOFT.

  2. D.R. Greenlaw

    Will do so eventually. We're going to wait until we're done with the film before posting a lot of videos, but we'll think about posting a 'raw' mocap shot with tracking results in the production log. (The log isn't up yet; we're still working on it.)

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