We got a MakerBot Thing-O-Matic recently. Well, actually we ordered this ‘do-it-yourself’ 3D printer kit back in March of 2011 but we’ve been so busy this past year that we didn’t get around to opening the box until tonight. Here are some pics from the unboxing:

"One of us! One of us!"

“One of us! One of us!”

"Open the box already, human!"

“Open the box already, human!”

"At times like this, we wish we had opposable thumbs.

“At times like this, we wish we had opposable thumbs.”


“MakerBot inside!”

Tonight, we installed the software. Tomorrow, we begin assembly!

Picture of Sgt Marshmallow

Sgt Marshmallow

Sergeant Marshmallow is a cat. More specifically, he is a handsome cat. Sergeant is also the editor of this blog.

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